Miranda Rain

This site is dedicated to our wonderful and gorgeous gift called Miranda Rain and her progress in life.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

so funny

I caught M trying to reach for the toys but it turned out she wanted the fruit!

10 Months

Just a quick update with some gorgeous photos. Our little baby is now crawling and she is developing at an exponential rate!!! Every day there seems to be something going on and I am so happy to see her personality shining through.

picking flowers just like mummy....

Smiling and playing -

new hat so cute

I hired a new toy from Noah's Ark for M to get a bit of variety without it costing a lot.

She loves looking in the mirror at that gorgeous baby she sees!

so cute

with dad in the garden

playing in her new car!!!

our new play area! the neighbours contributed material and we happily play!